Thoughts from my Blog
Self-driving cars (2023-07-12)
Remotely driven cars (2023-07-12)
Time travel (2023-07-12)
Facebook is not part of the Internet (2023-07-12)
The first step on the moon (2023-07-13)
Remotely-driven taxi (2023-07-17)
Reality (2023-10-27)
Choices (2023-10-27)
Ideas (2023-10-27)
Bodies, organs and species (2023-10-27)
Change (2023-10-27)
Random (2023-10-29)
Santa's sleigh (2023-10-30)
Simulation compression (2023-10-30)
Invisibility (2023-10-30)
Changing the past (2023-11-02)
Swing Sets (2023-11-03)
Blindness (2023-11-22)
Voyager Golden Record (2023-12-10)
Mind Control (2023-12-10)
Abstractions (2023-12-16)
Lie detectors (2024-02-29)
Disorders (2024-03-06)
Death (2024-03-17)
Point of View (2024-03-22)
React (2024-03-26)
Reading minds (2024-03-29)
Land animals (2024-04-06)
Inches of dust (2024-04-08)
Mental disorders (2024-04-25)
Mental pain (2024-04-30)
Fingerprint scanners are stupid (2024-05-04)
Apple Web Distribution (2024-05-10)
Butterflies (time travel) (2024-05-11)
Proving people from the future can travel back in time (2024-06-15)
The past (2024-06-16)
If it could've, it would've (2024-06-23)
Light sabres make no sense (2024-06-27)
Rock, paper, scissors (2024-07-07)
Changing future (2024-07-15)
Teleporting or time-travelling watch (2024-07-15)
Teleporting/copying : bandwidth and atoms (2024-07-15)
Internalizing (2024-07-15)
Dowsing (2024-07-28)
Life and death (2024-07-28)
Moving Point of View (2024-07-31)
Point of View and Control (2024-08-11)
Water-powered car (2024-08-18)
Being understood... (2024-08-24)
Legal marijuana (2024-08-30)
All the same one (2024-09-12)
Being replaced (2024-09-13)
Orbits (2024-10-03)
Straight lines (2024-10-03)
GFCI outlets (2024-10-03)
God (2024-11-08)
Models and experiments (2024-11-12)
Doctors : why vs how (2024-11-12)
Who we are (2024-11-17)
Causes (2024-12-23)
Grappling hook shot from a gun (2024-12-23)
Voyager Golden Record (2024-12-28)
We are not part of a computer simulation (2025-01-01)
Scientists have belief too (2025-01-14)
Seeing without being seen (2025-01-19)
Cellphones on airplanes (2025-01-23)