I really like it when my HTML is perfectly indented.
Same thing with my PHP.
I will show you how to do both in the same script.
Although some people don't like them, I like the standard loops and ?>
and <?php
To have perfect indentation with both the HTML and PHP code, some rules have to be followed.
An interesting fact about the ?>
tag is that PHP will eat the following newline.
So if your opening PHP tag (<?php
) starts the line, the block will not leave anything in the HTML.
I like to think that there are two parallel indentations in every PHP script. The HTML indentation and the PHP indentation.
I also like to put the PHP indentation not before the <?php
tag but after.
This way, <?php
always starts a line and this prevents the echoed HTML from having weird spacing all over the place.
On every if/for/foreach, I indent the PHP.
In HTML, I follow other rules. I like it when some tags stay in the same line instead of having lots of indentation.
Like this :
<form><input /></form>
In PHP, I go like this :
<?php if (true): ?> <?php if (true): ?> <?php if (true): ?> <?php endif: ?> <?php endif: ?> <?php endif: ?>
Notice how every <?php
tag starts the line. This means that they are all removed from the HTML.
When indenting my HTML code, I indent it like the PHP is not there.
Recently at work, I had to take a three level deep associative array and render in a grouped table with lots of rowspans.
It went like this :
<table border=1 cellpadding=5> <?php foreach ($all as list($nom, $table)): $i = 0; ?> <tr> <th rowspan="<= htmlspecialchars(array_sum(array_map('count', $table))) ?>"><?= htmlspecialchars($nom) ?><th> <?php foreach ($table as $at => $ra): ?> <?php if ($i): ?> </tr> <tr> <?php endif; ?> <td rowspan="<= htmlspecialchars(count($ra)) ?>"><?= htmlspecialchars($at) ?><td> <?php foreach ($ra as $j => $r): ?> <?php if ($j): ?> </tr> <tr> <?php endif; ?> <td><?= htmlspecialchars($r) ?><td> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php ++$i; endforeach; ?> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </table>
It may seem a little cahotic to the untrained eye, but everything here is exactly how I like it.
Not only is the PHP perfectly indented, but the generated HTML is also perfectly indented.